皇冠428428娱乐娱城: 学术报告
皇冠428428娱乐娱城:Joint modeling approaches for censored predictors due to detection limits with applications to metabolites data
题目: Joint modeling approaches for censored predictors due to detection limits with applications to metabolites data
报告人:叶鹏副教授 (对外经济贸易大学统计学)
摘要:Measures of substance concentration in urine, serum or other biological matrices often have an assay limit of detection. When concentration levels fall below the limit, exact measures cannot be obtained, and thus are left censored. The problem becomes more challenging when the censored data come from heterogeneous populations consisting of exposed and non-exposed subjects. If the censored data come from non-exposed subjects, their measures are always zero and hence censored, forming a latent class governed by a distinct censoring mechanism compared with the exposed subjects. The exposed group’s censored measurements are always greater than zero, but less than the detection limit. It is very often that the exposed and non-exposed subjects may have different disease traits or different relationships with outcomes of interest, so we need to disentangle the two different populations for valid inference. In this talk, we aim to fill the methodological gaps in the literature by developing a novel joint modeling approach to not only address the censoring issue in predictors, but also untangle different relationships of exposed and non-exposed subjects with the outcome. Simulation studies are performed to assess the numerical performance of our proposed approach when the sample size is small to moderate. The joint modeling approach is also applied to examine associations between plasma metabolites and blood pressure in Bogalusa Heart Study, and identify new metabolites that are highly associated with blood pressure.
报告人简介:叶鹏,现为对外经济贸易大学统计学院副教授,博士生导师。中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院概率统计室博士毕业,美国杜兰大学流行病学系博士后,主要研究方向为应用统计、复杂数据统计推断。在统计学国际权威期刊SIM, SMMR, Biometrical Journal上发表论文十余篇,主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目和对外经济贸易大学青年学术创新团队项目。