皇冠428428娱乐娱城: 学术报告

皇冠428428娱乐娱城:On the Free Boundary Problem of 3-D Full Compressible Euler Equations Coupled With a Nonlinear Poisson Equation -罗涛 教授(香港城市大学)


题目:On the Free Boundary Problem of 3-D Full Compressible Euler Equations Coupled With a Nonlinear Poisson Equation 
报告人:罗涛 教授(香港城市大学)

For the problem of the full compressible Euler Equations coupled with a nonlinear Poisson equation in three spatial dimensions with a general freeboundary not restricting to a graph, we identify the stability condition on the electric potential and the pressure related the well-posedness of the problem. These stability conditions enable us to obtain a priori estimates on the Sobolev norms of the fluid variables and bounds for geometric quantities of free surface. The results obtained in this paper and the corresponding proofs apply to the free boundary problem of full Euler equations of compressible fluids with variable entropy. This talk is based on the joint work with Konstantina Trivisa, Huihui Zeng.

报告地点:教二楼 927
