皇冠428428娱乐娱城: 学术进展

皇冠428428娱乐娱城:Coherence dynamics in Simon's quantum algorithm


题目:Coherence dynamics in Simon's quantum algorithm

作者:费少明  研究员(其他)

简介:Quantum coherence plays a pivotal role in quantum algorithms. We study thecoherence dynamics of the evolved states in Simon’s quantum algorithm based on Tsallis relative α entropy and l1,p norm. We prove that the coherence of the first register and the second register both rely on the dimension N of the state spaces of the n qubit systems, and increase with the increase of N. We show that the oracle operator O does not change the coherence. Moreover, we study the coherence dynamics in Simon’s quantum algorithm and prove that overall the coherence is in production when N>4 and in depletion when N<4.
