皇冠428428娱乐娱城: 学术进展
皇冠428428娱乐娱城:The ground states of quasilinear Hénon equation with double weighted critical exponents,Proceedings of Royal Society Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 153, 3(2023), pp. 1037-1044
时间: 2023-06-09
题目: The ground states of quasilinear Hénon equation with double weighted critical exponents.
作者:王聪、苏加宝 教授(通讯作者)
期刊:Proceedings of Royal Society Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 153, 3(2023), pp. 1037-1044
简介:We prove the existence of nontrivial ground state solutions of the critical quasilinear Hénon equation.It is a new problem in the sense that the signs of the coefficients of critical terms are opposite.